Intended Audience: Mentors
This article describes how a mentor will create a Special Populations Record for a student.
- First, login to the Student Learning Portal (SLP) using your mentor account.
Please note that if you have dual roles (affiliation user plus mentor) and you are using your affiliation user account, you will be unable to complete the steps outlined below. - Next, ensure that the student you want to create a Special Populations Record for has been identified as having a 504 or IEP within their student profile. Records cannot be created for students without this indicator.
Please note that only an affiliation user can modify a student profile, directions for adding the identifier can be located within the Edit Student Information process. - Once you have verified the student has been identified as having a 504 or IEP, click the Students tab located in the top menu bar.
- Next, tap the Special Population Filter within the left navigation menu. As a result, a table will be shown with three columns, Student, Grade Level and Special Populations.
- Now, select the "Special Populations Record" link within the "Special Populations" column for the appropriate student.
- From this point, select Create New IEP or 504.
- Proceed by entering the documents expiration date (if applicable).
Please note that this applies to IEP's only. - Begin selecting student accommodations from the drop down lists. These accommodations should match what appears on the student’s IEP or 504 document.
- Next, check the Local Support Accommodations box to indicate that the student has accommodations that will be met and managed at the local level.
- Then select any Michigan Virtual Course Level Accommodations that apply to this student; common accommodations are listed for your convenience. Accommodations found in this section can be reviewed by accessing the Special Populations: Mentor Info and Cheat Sheet.
- Next, select any Integrated Accommodations that apply to this student; common accommodations are listed for your convenience. Accommodations found in this section can be reviewed by accessing the Special Populations: Mentor Info and Cheat Sheet.
- Then utilize the "Other" option to list anything that may not have been included in the prepopulated options.
- Next check the Applicable Academic Accommodations box if no accommodations listed for this student apply to the online learning environment.
- Then attach any related material within the Documentation section. This is where you must upload supporting documentation from your local school to support the accommodations that have been listed. Forms cannot be submitted to Michigan Virtual without uploading an IEP or 504 document to the record.
- Finally, press either Save as Draft to return later or press Save to submit the completed form. Please note that you must Save as Draft or Save in order for the Record to be created and for our team to be notified of needed accommodations.